RETI0001-1 | |||||
Image reproduction and transmission
Volume horaire :
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
: 18h Th Color management and colorimetry : 18h Th |
Number of credits :
Lecturer :
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Color management and colorimetry : Emmanuel DEMUELENAERE, Caroline DUBOIS |
Référent UE :
Caroline DUBOIS, Rachelle VAFIDIS | |||||
Language(s) of instruction :
French language | |||||
Organisation and examination :
Teaching in the second semester | |||||
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite :
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program | |||||
Learning unit contents :
The topics covered are:
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Les thèmes abordés sont :
Color management and colorimetry
The topics covered are:
Learning outcomes of the learning unit :
At the end of the course, the student is able to:
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Au terme de l'AA, l'étudiant est capable de :
Color management and colorimetry
Within the learning activity, the objectives are to:
Prerequisite knowledge and skills :
NONE | |||||
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
NONE | |||||
Color management and colorimetry
NONE | |||||
Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Refer to the commitments of each Learning Activity | |||||
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Theoretical lectures and group work. | |||||
Color management and colorimetry
Theoretical lectures, practical demonstrations in software, and individual work. |
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning) :
Face-to-face teaching Full presence of the professor |
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Enseignement en présentiel Présence totale de l'enseignant |
Color management and colorimetry
Face-to-face teaching Full presence of the professor |
Recommended or required readings :
Refer to the commitments of each Learning Activity | |||||
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Course notes available on Moodle. | |||||
Color management and colorimetry
Course notes available on Moodle. | |||||
Assessment methods and criteria :
Assessment by Learning Activity. The final grade is calculated based on a weighted arithmetic mean with an exclusion mark (if the grade is between 0 and 8, exclusive). Weighting of the UE:
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Mode d'évaluation :
Type de questionnaire : Questions ouvertes et QCM La validation de l'évaluation est tributaire d'un travail continu. La note de l'UE reste bloquée à 0/20 tant que les conditions de validation ne sont pas remplies. Modalités de seconde session:
Color management and colorimetry
Mode d'évaluation :
Type de questionnaire : QCM, questions ouvertes et exercices Modalités de seconde session :
Work placement(s) :
NONE | |||||
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
NONE | |||||
Color management and colorimetry
NONE | |||||
Organizational remarks :
Daytime teaching Teaching provided in Namur |
Image reproduction and transmission techniques
Daytime teaching Teaching provided in Namur |
Color management and colorimetry
Daytime teaching Teaching provided in Namur |
Contacts :
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Image reproduction and transmission techniques
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Color management and colorimetry
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