Study Programmes 2024-2025
Sibylle GÉRAIN
Courses :  
CEDD1000-1 Citoyenneté et développement durable Holder
CEDD2000-1 Citoyenneté et développement durable Holder
CEDD3000-1 Citoyenneté et développement durable Holder
MORB0002-2 Didactique de la morale 2 Holder
MORC0002-1 Moral education 3 Holder
PHAR0005-1 UE22 Philosophie de l'art Holder
UTFE0001-1 UE53 Workplace and social integration Holder
- teacher¿s identity and career path
- neutrality
- scientific writing practice
- end-of-study project
UTFE0002-1 UE56 Workplace and social integration Holder
- teacher¿s identity and career path
- neutrality
- scientific writing practice
- end-of-study project
UTFE0005-1 UE49 Workplace and social integration activities Holder
- scientific writing practice
- neutrality
- end-of-study project
This list includes only courses of the 1st and 2nd cycles.