Study Programmes 2024-2025
Caroline DUBOIS
Courses :  
FONT0001-1 Fondamentaux techniques Holder
MATH0001-1 Matrices  Holder
- Matrices
- Géométrie
MOTI0001-1 Visual Effects Animation  Holder
- Animation / VFX Setup
- 3D Special Effects
- Compositing / Editing
- Sound Design
PROA0001-1 Programmation Holder
PROB0001-1 Programmation avancée Holder
PROG0001-1 Programming  Holder
- Introduction to programming
- Programming lab
RETI0001-1 Image reproduction and transmission  Holder
- Image reproduction and transmission techniques
- Color management and colorimetry
TCAA0001-1 Tech art Holder
TCAB0001-1 Tech art avancé Holder
This list includes only courses of the 1st and 2nd cycles.